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Preferential Policies — Charge Policies 
邓州市政府信息中心  2012-12-27【打印该页】

Article 1  All the industrial projects for investment attracting are exempted from administrative and institutional fees, and shall pay the service charge as per <50% of the lower standard limit specified by the state. Any departments or units are forbidden to apportion or collect other fees from the foreign-funded enterprises in any name.

Article 2  Foreign-funded industrial projects with more than 5 million US dollars of registered capital can enjoy the above preferential charges. In addition, the municipal government will undertake their industrial and commerce registration charges as well as the capital verification charges cost in the establishment process at full amount.

Article 3  For the newly-built commercial projects invested by foreign investor, if their fixed asset investment is more than 5 hundred million Yuan of if they introduce the 500 Tops in the world or 10 Tops in the domestic commerce and trade industry to station in the cluster area, their administrative and institutional fees which should be collected by the municipality will be collected by half. Their relevant fees that must paid to the province will be collected in accordance with the minimum standard approved by price department.



主办:邓州市人民政府办公室 系统维护:邓州市政务大数据中心(邓州市人民政府门户网站)
联系电话:0377--62283198 email:dzsrmzfwz@126.com 网站地图
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